Time is a resource that seems unlimited, but the more we use it, the more we realise how scarce it really is. In my younger years, I’ve found myself with too much of it. Dying for it to pass by. Willing to forfeit this precious gift so I could time travel to that next moment of fun!
With every passing day, I’ve taken a step towards being ever so wiser than the previous day. With every passing year, I’ve come to realise how quickly years become decades and the present becomes history. There isn’t a reset button or anything we can do to make up for lost time, and there isn’t a need for regret because at some point you did what you did because you wanted it.
The only thing we can do is look ahead. Look down the road where the future is in the palm of your hand. At this moment, it is you who decide what you do with your time. Whether it is to work to build your dream, to form and expand relationships, to learn something new or to travel and expand your world. Whatever it is, make that time worthwhile.
I write this blog, along with the rest of the team from Hervor, in hope to ignite the flame of curiosity in you to take your passions to the next level. To find new passions and to live a life rich not in wealth but in experiences and knowledge that will enrich others beyond yourself.
Enjoy your time, no matter how slow or fast it may be.